Today, we set out on an adventure to track and identify the mighty leviathan, on a small but speedy craft, armed only with two Nikon cameras, Pringles, and a broken hydrophone. It was only my second day interning with Panacetacea in the beautiful Islas Secas, but the salty veterans of our enterprise have been enjoying a productive season all summer. Kristin - El Capitan - has been at it for years. The tides and the rain kept us on shore until late in the morning, but we found plenty of action once we got out to sea. Sure enough I was scared out of my wits, when in our first hour out the great humpback breached - lunging its tremendous mass some thirty feet clear above the water’s surface.
No one else quivered. Inspired by their confidence, I raised the camera and waited. When the whale breached a second time, I captured every magical moment. We stalked the humpbacks for the rest of the day. I was hooked. I took some 500 pictures, some of which might Kristin said, just be of value. We came back to rest and enjoy some delicious Panamanian rice and potato salad before turning in. Another long day ahead... And so the adventure continues...