2024 Gulf of Chiriqui Field season

By Kristin Rasmussen

Our field season has begun! This year our objectives have changed slightly from primarily studying humpback whales to also spending some dedicated time with Bryde's whales. We have encountered Bryde's whales regularly in previous years and are hoping to answer some burning questions about this somewhat mysterious species. For the first two weeks of our field season, the team consists of myself, Matt Leslie, and two of his students from Ursinus College (Makayla and Nick). We will be exploring the Gulf of Chiriqui in search of humpback whales, Bryde's whales, and any other marine mammal species we can find. Stay tuned for updates!

You can read our recent publication on Bryde's whales here .

Students Nick and Makayla watching spotted dolphins bow riding as we transit to our study area.

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